Dental Extraction Anyone?

 I knew dental issues sometimes take a while to be sorted. But I had no clue that they can be almost (detri)mental for your pocket, pleasure, and patience. What could probably have been wrapped up in three months took a good over half a year. I was visibly gripped with fear even when there were two days to go for my appointment. My ever supportive and loving hubby asked if I wanted him to accompany me. I said no. I told him I wanted to face the fear with my mouth wide open (if you know what I mean). If I didn’t do it on my own, I would never be able to get over my fear of the dreaded ‘D’. So I went to the dentist on my own and faced it, head on. Not to mention that COVID didn’t make things easier. Before going in the den, oops I mean the cabin with the dentist’s chair, I had to undergo a strict protocol. That included getting first sprayed by something like a sanitizer, then wearing a (ridiculous) poncho kind of a thing, a cap to keep my hair together, and slippers provided by the clinic. I got a feeling that I was Achilles. stepping into the territory of Troy, with his legendary armour. 

Sadly, I had no weapon going into the battle, while the dentist had aplenty. I suddenly wished I had the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter. But all I had gotten was the poncho as a covid safety protocol. Ultimately, I perched myself delicately on the chair, waiting for the ‘D’ to brandish her weapons and give a verdict. I knew it was going to be far from acceptable. I don’t know if the dreaded (now not so dreaded at all) ‘D’ confirmed my fears or gave me the satisfaction of being right. However, the fact was that she announced very calmly that there is definitely a problem, but don’t worry, we will fix it. Well, thanks ‘D’ I wont have to worry about socialization for a few months atleast.

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What ensued, as I write, is the aftermath. I am going to deprave you of the exciting details of my dental problems. We wouldn’t get to the root of it, I say. The crowning glory would be to narrate to you what transpired over the duration of my treatment. In hindsight, there was immense wisdom to be gained, Just like every cloud has a silver lining and a tooth has crowing, this realization was a huge takeaway from the zillion disenchanting visits (which turned pleasant later on) to my dentist. Every time I have sat on that previously ‘that which must not be named’ dreaded dentist’s chair, I have learnt something. Of course it doesn’t mean that I never felt that I was in the wrong place. That was the last place I wanted to be on this planet, Never Mind. It has been a crash course of sorts in personality development and grooming. Yes, I paid a hefty price for those lessons. But hey, when it comes to life lessons, there are no free lunches, right?

So, while I was contemplating my dental debacle, I had this epiphany that there are atleast seven things which all of us can use in life. These are especially for me and many like me who need a perspective. In retrospect, therefore, scheduling that first appointment and taking that first step wasn’t a bad idea. So this is a candid narration of life lessons I gathered in that chair at the dentist’s and during the chats with my super friendly and chilled out dentist. In fact, I joked and said I think I see you more than my hubby. It has been a roller coaster ride so far. However, I hope that even after my visits to the dentist reduce, I don’t forget these pearls of wisdom for the rest of my life to come. I also wish that these anecdotes give those who need it, a glimmer of hope, a dash of courage. Also, the strength to have patience and trust in the process and well, in his or her dentist!


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