Hang on Bengaluru, It is James Kingston!

From climbing London’s iconic Southbank Tower to an under construction sky scraper in Bengaluru, this real British Spiderman can give the Marvel Comics’ superhero a tough fight. We know this Spiderman better as James Kingston. A professional adventurer and free runner, he needs no introduction. Climbing the Southbank Tower is a part of Kingston’s journey around the globe wherein he seeks to get the better of world’s tallest buildings. Following the immense popularity and unprecedented viral reach of the Southbank feat, EpicTV, online extreme adventure channel based in London, recently released the third leg of Kingston’s travels. The adventurer’s trysts with tallest buildings have been documented by EpicTV in its 'On the Edge', a web series.
The third leg involved Kingston travelling to the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru and pull of an unimaginable stunt. Do I need say that this was an instant hit on the internet and went viral like crazy? Well no! But what he did on 19 August 2014 definitely needs to be described here. Disclaimer: Please avoid reading if you are weak hearted, this is sure to drive you out of your wits! He ran up a tall skyscraper under construction and pulled off an almost ‘heart-stopping’ act by hanging off the end of a 100m crane by just one hand. As he hung precariously from that crane, early morning Bengaluru was unveiled like never before beneath his lean body suspended mid air.
Image Courtesy- jameskingston.co.uk

 Calling that view which was captured by his camera breath taking will be an understatement. The early morning sun could be seen lighting up the Bengaluru horizon beautifully, with a warm golden glow. The view was almost a reflection of a Google earth depiction of that area. The buzzing Bengaluru traffic involving vehicles seemed like a blip. So one can imagine the height of his perch! However, Kingston does not find hanging by one hand at such a height the most difficult part. “The craziest bit was when I was coming down and the workers were starting to come to work. Nobody even said anything! I just walked out. I even said goodbye to one of the guards”, he mentioned.

A humdinger of a podcast, we cannot wait to see what this amazing Spiderman does next! Till then check out this link to get amazed! -Epic TV James Kingston


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